The Ripple Effect: How Recognizing individuals impacts the entire organization
Remember that story about the butterfly effect, where a butterfly flaps its wings and starts a typhoon? Dramatic? Maybe, but the idea that small things can influence nonlinear events within complex systems is hardly new, and it applies to corporate ecosystems. One disgruntled employee complaining near a copy machine can nudge another disengaged coworker to […]
Breaking Down Silos
Can Employee Recognition Programs Help? .We have all suffered from this disease, but it doesn’t build up immunity over time. You can and will most probably get it again… If you as a leader put 5 people to work on projects that have even a tiny overlap and you fail to organize a way for […]
Employee Recognition 101: A Guide to Starting Your Program from Scratch
From GANT charts to endless Google Sheets, it seems that nowadays we plan everything. Managers are happy to brag about long-term strategies and rows of green cells in official Excell table reports. How is it possible then, that we tend to overlook one of the most important factors of success – people who make it […]
Digital transformation: How AI crashed the company party
AI is here and it’s here to stay. Reactions were, as with any major change, vocal and polarized. From the likes of Stephen Fry who called for kicking artificial intelligence out of art, to corporations who have embraced the opportunity to cut costs and become even more efficient. How will the new workforce partner with […]